Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Isaac!

To mark Isaac's second birthday he received our family's first ever broken bone. He wore a cast for 3 weeks and has healed like new. The whole experience reinforced what a resilient, sweet, and laid back guy he is. He and Cora have been having so much fun together lately and make a great brother/sister team. Their favorite times together are dance parties, reading together, and playing outside. Isaac is talking more each week and repeats just about everything he hears. He loves Thomas Trains and is learning the names of all the characters. He is quite the charmer and has made friends with all of the teachers at JW Tumbles, where he goes each week with Lauren our wonderful babysitter. We are so in love with our smiley, snuggley, funny guy and excited for what his third year has in store!

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